Thursday, May 01, 2008

Incredible journey

Approximately 15-20 years ago I read about an incredible journey of a great man who seems never give up despite many misfortunes / failures in nearly all aspects of his life. For those who have not heard about this real life story before, here is the gist of it.

- He was born in a log cabin in the backwoods of a small village.
- At the age of 7 - His family were forced out of their home and he worked to support them
- At the age of 9 - His mother died.
- At the age of 19 - His married sister died while giving birth
- At the age of 22 - Failed in business.
- At the age of 23 - Defeated for Illinois House of Representatives. Lost his job, couldn't get into law school, worked odd jobs.
- At the age of 24 - Grocery business failed. Declared bankruptcy, yet paid off the money he borrowed from friends to start his business.
- At the age of 25 - Elected to legislature
- At the age of 26 - His girlfriend died from fever at age 22
- At the age of 27 - Had nervous breakdown
- At the age of 28 - He proposed marriage to his girlfriend after several years of serious relationship, was turn down and the courtship ended
- At the age of 29 - Defeated in becoming speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives
- At the age of 31 - Defeated in becoming elector.
- At the age of 34 - Defeated for US House of Representatives.
- At the age of 37 - Elected to congress
- At the age of 39 - Lost renomination
- At the age of 40 - Again defeated for US House of Representatives. Same year rejected for the position of Commissioner of the General Land Office.
- At the age of 41 - His son died after a two month illness at the age of 4
- At the age of 46 - Defeated for US Senate as a Whig
- At the age of 47 - Defeated for nomination for Vice-President
- At the age of 49 - Again defeated for US Senate as a Republican
- At the age of 51 - Elected President

His name is: Abraham LincolnIsn't incredible?

18 Nov, 2006

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